May 6, 2024

Summer Homeschool Plans

 Hey hey!  We basically homeschool year round, but our summers are much shorter with being in maintenance mode.  It's work that they can do in 30 minutes or less, but it keeps their brains fresh and not forgetting those pesky algebraic equations.  We'll start this routine in June, so we have a few weeks off.  We have a fun trip planned to kick off summer that has us all really excited.  It was a big motivating factor in finishing the school year early.

May 4, 2024

Peace Out 6th and 7th Grade

 We finished our school year days ahead of the schedule I set for us.  Sterling actually finished almost a month before!  She's my motivated one to have less to do.  She'll work ahead and get it done.  She's a bit like me 😊.  Xander now, he's going to continue one lesson every day until he's done.  Which is fine, but I'd really prefer him to add extra lessons to get ahead and be done sooner.  Well, on May 1st he decided to keep going (he didn't even have a lot left to complete).  I made a huge deal out of him finishing all of his work.  Hopefully next year he'll be motivated to work ahead 🤞.

We've been out finding new hiking/walking spots.  This one we found may be a favorite summer spot because the kids can play in the water on a hot day.

We went to the Air and Space Museum.  The last time we went here, the kids were 4 and 5.  This time, they were interested and could talk about how the planes were used in different wars.  It was a pretty cool trip this time (although it was warm in the building).

Sterling and I love getting out of the house.  We just don't enjoy the hour drive to get anywhere.  But we left early before her hair appointment and had lunch and went shopping.  Always a girls favorite thing to do.

The kids have spent everyday, at least two hours, outside playing in the sprinkler and throwing water balloons at each other.  We're going back and forth about adding a pool.  In ground vs above ground is where we're struggling.

7th and 8th grade, we're ready for you.  The work is getting more challenging, but, they will prevail!

Have a great weekend!

Apr 22, 2024

Ginger's ONE

Hey hey!  Our puppy is no longer a puppy.  She's been such a wonderful dog.  Very loyal, mostly quiet, and house trained fairly quick.    Her hair is everywhere.  I vacuum everyday.  It never leaves.  I should buzz her.  Kidding.  I knew getting her this would be a chore, but she's so fun I guess it's worth it.
On Sterling's birthday, we took advantage of the decorations and snapped little bears picture.

Apr 20, 2024

My Sourdough Adventures

Hey guys!  I've been curious about starting a sourdough starter for over a year, but finally decided to give it a go in February.  There are so many health benefits to it that it just makes sense.  You guys.  This process was not easy.  It took me three dang tries, switching three different containers, and six weeks to finally get it to start rising!

In this container, a mason jar like large container, I could get it bubbly, but no rise.  I also got mold once so I had to through it all out and start over.  

Apr 3, 2024


Hey guys!  This year I'm combining the birthday posts.  Sterling turned 12 in March and 16 days later Xander turned 13.  I can't believe I officially have a teenager!  I'm excited for the teenage years.  Sterling loves the 16 days before Xander's birthday because they get to be the same age and she pretends she's older.  It's a fun time!

Mar 22, 2024

Power Homeschool - First Six Weeks

 You guys.  In this season of our homeschool journey, switching to power homeschool has been working for us!  Both kids are enjoying it.  There has been so much less stress.  The kids are doing their work on "their time."  The first two weeks were hard for me to see them go all day without doing any formal learning.  But, they've been completing it on their own at bedtime.  While this is working right now, will we continue using it?  So, let's talk about what we like and don't like about this program.

Feb 19, 2024

Weekend Fun

 Hello!  We took Friday off from school, Nick had a five day weekend and we did something we've never done before!  It was fun and something that our weekends and free time may include more of.  We thought of going out of town and heading to the mountains for our long weekend, but we decided to stay home and came up with a list of things we wanted to do together.  Sometimes, family time is so good for the soul.  Like a reset.   A much needed reset for us.

Feb 16, 2024


 Hey guys!  Bring your coffee and let's chat!.  At the beginning of January I mentioned how we joined the i9 Sports franchise?  Well, things have taken a turn and we made a tough decision to sell it back to them and end our commitment with them.  We still love the company and it's goal, but some things came up and we had to decide what to do.  Unfortunately, this was the result.  Let's talk about what lead up to this decision.